Monday, October 26, 2015

20 Questions Reflection

Today in class we played the game 20 questions with a partner. To play this game you think of something, usually a person place or thing, and the computer asks you questions trying to guess what it is. When it was my partners turn we won every time. We used different categories like music, UK Music, famous people, and favorite names. The computer never guessed One Direction, Harry Styles, Donald Trump, or the name Julia. The computer ended up asking us about 30 questions until it gave up and asked for the answer. I am surprised that the computer couldn't guess these things because they are very popular categories. The computer must be outdated because it didn't guess these things.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What I Observed From Other Classmates Designs:

While looking through my classmates blogs I noticed that everyone had their own way of designing the different Navajo Rugs. Some people like myself kept the original colors from the picture, but others changed the colors to make it more personal. It was interesting to see what they did for designs when we were given the opportunity to design something of our own. Everyone had their own ideas and designs which was interesting to see how they expressed themselves.

My Design

My Christmas Tree Design

Displaying IMG_0670.JPG

I tried to remake my design of a Christmas tree on the software we were using in class.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cornrow Weave!


Navajo Rug Design

Navajo Rug

Making the Navajo Rug design was harder because there were more triangles and other angles where you had to figure out how to make diagonal lines. This was very interesting because putting in the points to make a triangle made it a lot easier for me. This was much more difficult than the other designs I created previous to this one.

Pacific Northwest Basket Weaver

Pacific Northwest Basket Weaver!

While making this image of the dog I was challenged while making the tail because it was a diagonal line. Other than that the other parts of the dog weren't that hard.

Native American Bead Loom

Native American Bead Loom

Friday, October 9, 2015

About Me

My name is Emma and I enjoy figure skating and running. I have been skating since i was 2 and a half and I plan on teaching when I get older. I also run a lot and I just completed my second half marathon with my mom!  I took this class so I could learn more about computers and to feel more comfortable exploring and learning new things on the computer. Technology is very important in this day and I think this class will help me a lot and make me more comfortable with working on the computer with different software's. I'm very excited to learn more about computer science